What is DevSecOps?

Implementing security testing at every stage of the software development process using tools and processes that encourage collaboration between developers, security specialists, and operation teams to build software that is both efficient and secure.

It stands for Development, Security and Operations.


Importance of DevSecOps

Reduce time to market

With DevSecOps, automate security tests and reduce human errors. It also prevents the security assessment from being a bottleneck in the development process.

Catch software vulnerabilities early

Focus on security controls through the entire development process. Instead of waiting until the software is completed, conduct checks at each stage and detect security issues at earlier stages and reduce the cost and time of fixing vulnerabilities.

Ensure regulatory compliance

Software teams use DevSecOps to comply with regulatory requirements by adopting professional security practices and technologies.

Develop new features securely

DevSecOps encourages flexible collaboration between the development, operation, and security teams. Everyone focuses on ways to add more value to the customers without compromising on security.

Build a security-aware culture

Software teams become more aware of security best practices when developing an application.

Ensure regulatory compliance

Software teams use DevSecOps to comply with regulatory requirements by adopting professional security practices and technologies.

How does DevSecOps work?


DevOps culture is a software development practice that brings development and operations teams together.

Continuous integration

With DevSecOps, automate security tests and reduce human errors. It also prevents the security assessment from being a bottleneck in the development process.

DevSecOps compared to DevOps

DevOps focuses on getting an application to the market as fast as possible. In DevOps, security testing is a separate process that occurs at the end of application development, just before it is deployed. Usually, a separate team tests and enforces security on the software.


DevSecOps introduces security to the DevOps practice by integrating security assessments throughout the CI/CD process. It makes security a shared responsibility among all team members who are involved in building the software.

DevSecOps culture

The DevSecOps culture combines communication, people, technology, and process.

Best practices of DevSecOps

Shift left

Shift left is the process of checking for vulnerabilities in the earlier stages of software development.

Shift right

Shift right indicates the importance of focusing on security after the application is deployed.

Use automated security tools

Use automated security tools DevSecOps teams might need to make multiple revisions in a day. To do that, they need to integrate security scanning tools into the CI/CD process.

Challenges of implementing DevSecOps

Resistance to the cultural shift

Software and security teams have been following conventional software-building practices for years. Companies might find it hard for their IT teams to adopt the DevSecOps mindset quickly. Software teams focus on building, testing, and deploying applications. Meanwhile, security teams focus on keeping the application safe. Therefore, top leadership needs to get both teams on the same page about the importance of software security practices and timely delivery.

Complex tools integration

Software teams use different types of tools to build applications and test their security. Integrating tools from different vendors into the continuous delivery process is a challenge. Traditional security scanners might not support modern development practices.

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